Il Bonta' Via Bonera 100
28011 Armeno (NO)

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agroalimentare Caffè Fusion

About Us
luxurious, high-end coffee for a remarkable price!

Caffé Fusion was formed through the perfect blend of 2 people. One with a background in business, marketing and craft. A consummate coffee lover who knows what people will enjoy. The other, Italian in origin, who is passionate about the finer details, the grind, the smell and the taste. Their drive, knowledge and passion for the product led to Caffé Fusion being born.

At Caffé Fusion, we have a real passion for creating luxurious, high-end coffee with remarkable prices. We have worked tirelessly to research, test and find the best combinations of beans and what roast type suits and enhances their flavour.
We guarantee you will not be disappointed!

panetterie / forni Forneria F.lli Bonafini